A new book explores how random events led to the creation of the Universe, Life on Earth and what might happen in the future.

Book Content
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The Great Nothing – Why is there Something instead of Nothing

The Great Nothing

The author discusses Ideas both philosophical and scientific, about what was there before the Big Bang or anything, theories about how the universe began, what the empty space was like, and the very first moments of creation.

This sets the scene for understanding the mysterious start of everything, and how random and unpredictable it was.

The Runaway Universe – The Fate of our Universe

The Runaway Universe

Exploring the birth of our universe, its current state, and the role of dark matter and dark energy in determining its fate. Examining scientific discoveries that have shaped our understanding of the cosmos, such as the Big Bang theory, cosmic inflation, and the expansion driven by dark energy.

The Chance Planet – Why Earth is the Lighthouse of Intelligent Life

The Chance Planet

Focusing on Earth and the chance events that led to the intelligent life, Earth’s history, from the creation of our solar system to the development of complex life forms, idea of abiogenesis on how life originated from non living things. Future and the possibility of life somewhere else in the universe.

Supported by science fiction stories, exploring complex topics in cosmology and the evolution of simple and intelligent life, exploring their potential futures.

The Great Escape: Abandoning a Dying Universe

The Great Escape – Abandoned Universe is a thrilling adventure that takes you on a journey through space and time, explaining how Dark Energy and Dark Matter can decide the fate of the universe. In this story, there is a planet named Cela, which existed 5 billion years ago.

The inhabitants have discovered something that could destroy the entire universe, and they’re racing against time to save their world. This discovery forces them to make difficult moral and ethical decisions that could change everything. It’s not just about them; it’s about the future of all life, everywhere!

The Great Salvage: Humanity Cosmic Leap of Friendship

The Great Salvage – The story of humanity’s cooperation with another intelligent civilization which they discovered on an icy planet far out in our solar system called Planet X. Life on Planet X is intelligent, just like us, but they are in big trouble because their planet is getting too close to the Sun, and it’s starting to melt their icy home.

Scientists on Earth find out about Planet X and decide we’ve got to help our space neighbors. They come up with some awesome space ideas to pull Planet X to safety.

Story underscores the possibility of life outside of Earth on another planet and its gaining intelligence, and how we can play with forces of nature on a large scale to save it in the future.

The Sick Daughter: The Concerned Father’s Dilemma

A Sick Daughter – Coming at the end of the book after discussing the chance events that led to the formation of life on our planet, explains how the dangerous journey of humanity on this planet and how it expresses deep concern for Earth’s worsening condition due to human activities.

It’s a reflection on our impact on the planet and a call for change before it’s too late.

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Meet the Author

The author, Harsh Nema, is an amateur stargazer with an academic background in mechanical engineering. He has worked across pharmaceutical and technology companies for the last two decades, and this book is a result of his love for science.

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